Actual information and visibility of present business status is needed for planning approaching business year. Without that different actions and needs cannot be specified, scheduled and budgeted. It is waste of time and history to dig out information of several excel sheets scattered around in various departments’ archives.

Pace of change is accelerating. New skills in companies are needed to be competitive. In a modern HR software it is easy to outline competencies needed and possible gaps on company, department and individual levels. The gaps can be presented graphically to quickly grasp an overall picture of the situation. Then it is easy to search for relevant trainings and to schedule as well as to budget them.
Successor planning is often left aside and considered to be done when time allows and there is nothing else to be accomplished. However, successor planning is crucial for ensuring smooth continuation of business conduct. In a modern HR software it is easy to outline competencies needed for various positions and search for them on company level. After that successor planning can be drawn also in graphical format on unit or team levesl to give a broader view. This can be directly linked to planning and budgeting of trainings.

It is important to be able to report position changes, the cycles and benefits generated. Holidays and other absences are easy to view in graphical format and plan extra labor force needed for example during summer season.

Managers can compile actual information about their own teams and units which allow HR to concentrate on other tasks. Planning and budgeting rounds are faster and relevant information always up to date.

Is your present HR software able to support you in all of the above?

Jaana Sirkiä
Marketing and Communications Manager

Solaforce has closed an extensive agreement with a large Finnish enterprise acting on international markets. According to the agreement Solaforce will deliver cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software to the enterprise. The comprehensive modular HCM software comprises features from recruitment, employment management, employee development to the termination of the employment. The modern software is based on latest technologies and can be used in all devices in 17 different languages.

”We are happy about our new large customer acting on international market. This deal proves the scalability of our software to meet the needs of large enterprises on international markets. The features which we have developed especially for large customers have been well-received, “says CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Solaforce.

For further information, please contact:
Jaana Sirkiä
Marketing and Communications Manager
Tel. +358 400 303 096


We are now looking for senior and junior developers for our back end and front end teams. Full-stack experience is a plus, but we prefer you have deep knowledge on either the server or client side.

Read more and apply now

We are hiring!

Solaforce is a rapidly-growing, agile SaaS company relying on modern technologies and methods.  We’ll throw you as many challenges as you can handle and let you be creative in how you solve them.   Above all we’re passionate about delivering a great customer experience and want every team member to share this passion.

We have several interesting positions open, come and join our international growth journey: See open positions here


We will participate in HRx 2017 exhibition in Helsinki on November 21, 2017. Please book the date and come to visit us to see how our modern HCM software can support the development of your HR function.

Choosing a completely new HR software of changing to a new software may feel like cracking the nut. The whole process can be smoother if all options are left open by outlining the organizational needs and by looking for a modern, digital software to match these needs.

Various organizations have old HR software in use. The technology and architecture of the systems have shaped the organization to function in a certain way. Old systems have been developed according to old ways of working. These are hard to get rid of. Earlier the software could be under planning stage so long that the world and needs changed in the meantime. Now the modern software allow HR to tailor the ways of working.

HR in the cloud with easy integration
Cloud service allows scaling of the software when the number of employees grow and secures the suffice of the capacity. Cloud service suits both small and large organizations as well as international corporations. International security standards comply with data security and protection. Ease of integration is one key selection criteria. HR software is often integrated to existing, maybe old payroll software and the whole picture should be carefully monitored. In addition, the deployment should be a smooth process. Images of old historical long and enduring deployments live long but modern, agile software are easy to deploy. Modern software can be deployed module by module and extended when needed. Also large organization benefit from modularity.

Modern HR software allow HR people to step front from back office work. All employees can use the software. Various user roles can be crated to managers, HR and employees. Now HR can take an active role in the business as time can be allocated the supporting the managers and development work. New transparent software allow employees to monitor their own information and the HR software is no more a so called secret archive. The next generation HR solution brings together people, technology and processes as a one well working ensemble.

Check list for choosing the right software: cloud service, modern technology, integration and deployment, modularity, user roles.

Olli Hyppänen, COO

The amount of information has exploded in the past years and it keeps on growing. Do companies know how to take advantage of the information? Digitalisation enables integration, management and handling of information flows between various functions in a company. Modern digital HR system can effectively support the management and development of the organization.

Digitalised working environment

Analysing relevant business trends and adapting to changes require quick turns. Changes create possibilities.  Leaders in companies need to have understanding how to benefit these changes to create competitiveness and drive through changes. This is the point where companies should review the operational actions of various functions and their real ability to contribute. More specifically, it is a question of strategic choices and the organisations’ ability to keep up with development and capitalize on latest technology. In the past companies managed matters, now it is a question of leading employees – with the help of information.

HR paves the way

Modern next generation HCM system creates a joint, easy to understand language to the whole organisation. HR can step up as the visionary trailblazer of digitalisation and support the organizational changes. Modern HR systems enable organizational modelling and innovations of new ways to develop the business. Companies can react, renew and make decisions faster. HR can concentrate on relevant matters and support the organization where needed with the help of a modern HR system.




Kokonaisvaltainen HR-järjestelmä



Cloud solutions are becoming more and more common in business solutions. New technology provides endless opportunities for HR to gain more strength in business management. At the same time more versatile human management processes are bringing challenges that can be quite overwhelming. How to get the most out of cloud solutions’ benefits and bring HR genuinely part of company management?

New thinking drives HR forward

It is crucial for HR to stop and think over their own processes. Without critical observations of own processes, it is impossible to go forward and answer today’s and tomorrow’s needs. Is our way the best way to do this? Is this the way we can success in the future? There is no better time to do this kind of re-thinking than together with new HR solution purchase. That is just the right time to adjust all internal processes and make them more functional. It isn’t a good idea to bring old and ineffective processes into new solutions just because that’s the way we have done them in the past.

Bring HR genuinely part of business decisions and management

You can’t just expect a new HR solution to change HR’s current standing in business management. Developing old processes and re-thinking them to meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs is the key to gain genuine power in business management. If company just purchases a new HR solution and brings stubbornly those old packages to the new system, it is bound be a failure project with sky high costs.

Company needs a clear vision of what we want to be in the future and how we want to manage our human resources in the years to come and actually bring HR part of business decisions and management. The next generation HR solution brings together people, technology and processes as a one well working ensemble that provides much needed support to HR management. Read more about the next generation HR solution and how it provides tools to bring HR part of business management.



Kokonaisvaltainen HR-järjestelmä

New year means new plans and newly detailed strategy. Personal development discussions are held in many companies to implement these plans in action. How to roll out all the discussions without too much hassle and how to support managers through the process? At the same time there are multiple things to consider on how to implement development plans and tasks part of every employees’ daily job.

Employee development – Is it extra work for managers?

Without properly working hcm solution employee development discussions can be exhausting and time consuming process. Different programs and even multiple paper documentations can add the amount of work and affect negatively to managers work motivation. Getting rid of unnecessary processes and focusing into the right ones saves time and keeps company’s course on a right path.

Gain more competitive edge through modern management

Get more out of employee development processes, bring strategical goals part of everyday work and add personnel’s’ commitment to gain more competitive edge. Add company’s top talents’ commitment and create better work environment to everyone. These are the simple but powerful things to do with your next generation hcm solution. Read more on how to get the most out of the next generation hcm solution.


When we are talking about digitalization it is always seen as a way to develop forward. But surprisingly it can also be a major step backwards. Old technologies and non-existing performance can add manual workload and add costs.

Going forward or backward?

When company decides about a new HR solution it is always thought to be a step forward into digitalization. But often it can be a major step backward. There are multiple reasons why it can go wrong but the main reason is to choose solution that is built on old technology. Old technology, stiff functionalities, non-existing performance and sky-high license prices are usually surprises that are found afterwards. These aren’t qualities that bring company’s HR management into new digitalization age.

Less manual work and more insights to your company

The next generation HR solution makes it possible for users to use it effortlessly around the world in any mobile or other devices they like. This makes it easier for HR and managers to reduce the amount of manual work with easy to use technology. Get more insights of what is happening, how people management is working and plan for future. Digitalization provides wide range of new technology solutions that bring HR back in lead of people management.

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