HRIS solution Solaforce HCM

Manage the employment journey in one place


There are multiple benefits when you have all your employment related data and processes in one HRIS solution. Better employment journey management at every level when you have centralized solution to handle all employment related…

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Solaforce HCM solution’s intelligent features to support leadership


How to lead your people management on the next level with the actual HR data? Support managers in their daily tasks and provide them the right analytics and reports that they actually need.

As a modern HRIS solution, Solaforce HCM solution…

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How HR answers to the big trends in people management?


What kind of challenges can HR be facing when the people management trends are settling to be part of everyday work and leadership?

Changes in the leadership are already seen in many organizations as the big HR trends have become part of everyday…

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The whole employment lifecycle in one solution


What are the key benefits when you have all your employment related data and processes in one HRIS solution? Better people management at every level, supporting managers work thoroughly and creating automation are couple examples how modern HCM…

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HCM solution provides daily support for managers


Making it easy for managers to navigate through daily tasks is one of the most important features of modern HCM solution. Coherent management models, HR processes and many other features that make daily tasks run smoother should always be part of…

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Modern HCM solution benefits management in every level


How to support managers’ daily tasks? What kind benefits can be gained from the modern HCM solution in management decision making? Transparency, self-service and easy to use solution are key features when organization wants to take all advantages…

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Development and competencies as a part of HR solution


How to plan competencies and development to answer future needs of our organization? This is a key to lead successful people management in every level. Continuous changes need versatile solutions and tools to support these changes through the…

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Intelligent workspaces designed specially for managers and HR


How to lead your business with the latest and right information? How to support managers in their daily tasks and provide them the right analytics and reports that they need?

As a modern HRIS solution, Solaforce HCM solution provides the next…

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Comprehensive training management as a part of HCM Solution


With Solaforce HCM solution you have comprehensive training management tool as a part of your HRIS solution. Automated workflows and features to get better insight of your organization’s training programs.

Both internal and external trainings can…

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HRIS solution Solaforce HCM

People analytics is the key to strategic decision making


What data does much spoken people analytics consist and how can HR utilize it? HR’s role has been shifting from traditional support function towards strategic business leadership. To support and take visible part of decision-making process HR…

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AI – Threat or opportunity to HR?


There has been a lot of talk about AI that will change every aspect of how we work. What does it really mean in daily life of HR? How will technology change our working habits? What new it brings to people management?

AI provides multiple…

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How to succeed in selecting the right HR software?


The whole organization benefits from a modern HR software which automates HR processes and offers self-service. How to succeed in selecting a completely new HR software or change an old, outdated to a new modern one?

What is needed?

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A new year approaching – how to organize your HR function?


What are the HR trends in 2019? What makes employees tick?

According to analyst Josh Bersin employee experience, artificial intelligence (AI) and team productivity are blooming trends in HR. HR software is not only there to automate processes but…

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How does HR software support planning and budgeting?


Actual information and visibility of present business status is needed for planning approaching business year. Without that different actions and needs cannot be specified, scheduled and budgeted. It is waste of time and history to dig out…

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HR and analytics – what does it mean?


Management of business information plays a crucial role in securing competitiveness and development of a company. This means collecting, analyzing, evaluating and interpreting business related information. Ability to analytically examine…

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Solaforce delivers HCM software to a large Finnish enterprise


Solaforce has closed an extensive agreement with a large Finnish enterprise acting on international markets. According to the agreement Solaforce will deliver cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software to the enterprise. The…

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HR, routines and self-service – tools for managers


A modern HR software enables self-service

An HR professional can load the working day by filling in excel sheets, sending recurring emails and tracking latest versions. When one employee concentrates on a few tasks and the other on different…

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We are hiring again!



We are now looking for senior and junior developers for our back end and front end teams. Full-stack experience is a plus, but we prefer you have deep knowledge on…

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Solaforce presenting at Nordic HR Summit


Nordic HR Summit 2018 is featuring the topic: Future of Work

We are discussing about digitalization at the summit on May 24, 2018 in Helsinki together with one of our customers Digital Workforce:

“Digitalization, analytics and robotization are…

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Tools for agile HR


Fast changes require agile actions

Fast changing environment, ways of working and evolving trends make it challenging to keep up with development. Prevailing trends in HR are digitalization, data-based reporting and analytics, growing importance…

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Digitalization and HR – are you ready for 2020?


How are the words ‘routines’- ‘machine learning’- ‘predictive intelligent analytics’ – ‘user experience’ and ‘HR’s added value to business’ connected?

Digitalization is commented everywhere. A good question to be asked is that what is the purpose…

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HR – The digital service provider


Shift from an excel administrator to the real business partner

HR has access and needs to monitor a vast amount of data covering the whole employment life cycle from recruitment on off-boarding. HR serves the whole organization including a large…

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HR – Get rid of excel sheets


HR and modern way of working

Digitalization and automatization create modern ways to work and develop duties. New skills are constantly needed, and their ranking is evolving. When correctly utilized, technology can replace manual routine work…

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We are hiring!


We are hiring!

Solaforce is a rapidly-growing, agile SaaS company relying on modern technologies and methods.  We’ll throw you as many challenges as you can handle and let you be creative in how you solve them.   Above all we’re passionate about…

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Solaforce blog guest: Ms. Sarita Laras, Director, HR & Communications, Atea Finland: Work on the change.


We had an interesting discussion for a few hours in a rainy October afternoon on digitalization and its impact on HR’s work and role.

Sarita Laras paints the big picture: ”Digitalization is affecting or should be affecting HR’s work from many…

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Robotization, digitalization and social skills


HR and future working environment

Digitalization has become the new normal. It changes behavior and procedures. Reaction times and ways of working have changed: fast actions and immediate service are expected. New technologies will replace most…

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On the move: The strategic role of HR


How to enable employee self-service

The world is changing with increasing pace impacting companies. The changing needs of customers, legal and other environmental changes affect straight HR strategies. Traditional planning, strategy and…

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Re-defining the role of HR


Digital era opens vast amounts of possibilities. Business functions need to re-think their processes to respond to rapidly changing needs. Technology will not eliminate any functions but help them to shift from manual work to more supportive…

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HR and analytics: Modern HR software supports leadership in digital era


Does your HR software lead you to 2020?

What does leadership in digital era mean to HR departments? Leadership in digital era in HR means access to real-time employee data on absences, training days and performance, to mention a few. HR should be…

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Solaforce in HRx 2017 exhibition


We will participate in HRx 2017 exhibition in Helsinki on November 21, 2017. Please book the date and come to visit us to see how our modern HCM software can support the development of your HR function.

HR supports strategic planning


A modern HR software creates organizational transparency

Has your company secured its competitiveness through an agile organization? Does your company have transparency to skills levels and development potential on unit and company levels? 

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HR supports strategic planning


June 19, 2017
A modern HR software in the cloud creates organizational transparency

Has your company secured its competitiveness through an agile organization? Does your company have transparency to skills levels and development potential on…

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How to choose the right HR software?


Choosing a completely new HR software of changing to a new software may feel like cracking the nut. The whole process can be smoother if all options are left open by outlining the organizational needs and by looking for a modern, digital software…

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Future HR – trailblazer in digital leadership


The amount of information has exploded in the past years and it keeps on growing. Do companies know how to take advantage of the information? Digitalisation enables integration, management and handling of information flows between various…

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Future HR belongs to the bold – Bring together people, technology and processes



Cloud solutions are becoming more and more common in business solutions. New technology provides endless opportunities for HR to gain more strength in business management. At the same time more versatile human management processes are…

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Solaforce HR solution also for Small Business


Gain competitive edge through modern management


New year means new plans and newly detailed strategy. Personal development discussions are held in many companies to implement these plans in action. How to roll out all the discussions without too much hassle and how to support managers…

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HR jumps into digitalization – Is it a move forward or backward?


When we are talking about digitalization it is always seen as a way to develop forward. But surprisingly it can also be a major step backwards. Old technologies and non-existing performance can add manual workload and add costs.

Going forward…

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Make planning easier and part of your daily HR management


There are multiple new features in hcm solutions that HR has been asking for a long time. Features likes succession management, organization changes and comprehensive reporting providing accurate information are features that bring company’s…

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Versatile HR solution is manager’s number one management tool


Modern hr solution is a versatile management tool that provides much needed information to managers and hr. Short and long term planning becomes easier, reporting more detailed and overall management more proficient.

Daily use requires…

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HR and digitalization – Information is the next big thing


Digitalization and new innovations have lead the way to better technical solutions. Mobilization, user friendly design and more versatile features have added pressure to reconsider company’s current solution selection and update them to answer…

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Digitalization and HR – Can your HR solution answer to these demands?


Continuous changes in organization, new employees, new job descriptions and widely located people in different countries. Digitalization has already changed the way we work. How to manage all these changes and take them part of personnel…

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The most common mistake when selecting HCM solution


Decision based on wrong reasons

Customers are often saying they would like to acquire their HR solution together with other solutions.  An idea of getting multiple solutions from the same vendor is tempting. Only few realizes that this is one…

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How to choose HCM solution? – The real cloud vs. fake cloud


Many HCM solution promotes itself as a cloud solution. Are they? How do you know which one is a fake? It isn’t actually that hard to tell which one is a real cloud solution that brings your HR into this century.

Few key features tell you a lot….

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New Year, new targets – Does your HR solution support performance management?


Only 12 % of companies think their performance management process is working and the solution they are using is suitable for the job. This means that outstandingly almost 80 % of companies doesn’t think likewise and that present solutions are…

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Digitalization and HCM solutions


What changes when digitalization becomes part of human resources? How will HCM solutions evolve and how to find the right solution for your company without paying too much?

Digitalization effects HR’s needs in the future. Now is the right time…

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Digitalization – Threat or opportunity for HR?


It is time to introduce digitalization to HR. Will it bring HR closer to business core or is it a threat?

Digitalization is going to be one of the biggest changes in today’s business. Now it is finally HR’s turn to take full advantage about its…

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The real cloud solution vs. fake cloud


Many HCM solution promotes itself as a cloud solution. Are they? How do you know which one is a fake? It isn’t actually that hard to tell which one is a real cloud solution that brings your HR into this century.

Few key features tell you a lot….

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Why now is a good time to explore the next generation HCM solution?


Organization changes, business strategy updates and taking a good care of your employees while making successful new recruiting. There are lots of changes coming and going on these days so how to help and support human resources’ and…

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