
HR and future working environment

Digitalization has become the new normal. It changes behavior and procedures. Reaction times and ways of working have changed: fast actions and immediate service are expected. New technologies will replace most present jobs but also new ones are created. Robotization is gaining ground and new companies are being established to digitalize and automate processes. New professional roles and fields are arising. If work can be automated it most likely will be automated. On the other hand, automated roles need “supervisors” and a good question to be thrown in the air is that who is the true executor?

The importance of human skills grows in this kind of operating environment as robots and machines do not understand feelings or empathy. Organizations need people who foster humanity, social skills and empathy.

Evolving HR
Also HR processes are being digitalized. Fast environmental changing pace demands HR to be able to react “on the fly”. Real time data, information of its location and ability to manage it becomes crucial. Modern and intelligent HR software enable smooth processes which can automate routines to free up HR’s time. This allows HR to analyze employee data to support the company’s strategic needs and growth path.

Accelerating change pace emphasizes HR’s role to support the business development and to act as internal coach:
• To support employees to learn to learn new things
• To update skills and renew
• To inspire creativity
• To foster human values

HR function is facing the same change as the other organizational functions. In addition, HR functions as a balancing unit between “hard values” and humanity and social skills. Modern HR software supports HR’s path to meet the needs of future working environment.

Olli Hyppänen, COO

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