
How to enable employee self-service

The world is changing with increasing pace impacting companies. The changing needs of customers, legal and other environmental changes affect straight HR strategies. Traditional planning, strategy and development discussions on a yearly basis are outdated in present digital era. We need to keep up with the change.
HR has three important strategic roles: actual HR function, HR software and employees. These three functions build up the HR value chain. The HR function is formed by the HR professionals. The role of HR software in the value chain is important as it is the key element for utilizing existing data for strategic planning and implementation. HR software links operational activities, practices and existing data to company strategy. Employees, in turn, behave and act based on these practices impacting the effectiveness and result of the company

Transparency and self-service

Modern HR software enables employee self-service allowing HR function to act as sounding board and support to business functions. In addition, transparency to data increases employee motivation and creates open company culture and practices. Transparency helps HR function and managers to react to environmental changes on the fly and make decisions across organizational structures.
HR practices play an important role in a company. In a modern HR software it is easy to create systematic paths to develop employees and make successor planning. Employee performance should be the core of an HR software. Employees can be supported, given feedback and acknowledgement allowing best possible performance. Then employees can utilize their skills and talents to be motivated resulting straight in the productivity and success of the company. Various summary reports can be created in HR dashboard: what has been achieved and how to develop and improve activities where needed. Transparency provided by HR dashboard creates trust among employees and managers on all organizational levels.

Olli Hyppänen, COO

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