Many HCM solution promotes itself as a cloud solution. Are they? How do you know which one is a fake? It isn’t actually that hard to tell which one is a real cloud solution that brings your HR into this century.
Few key features tell you a lot. A long deployment process, continuous updating and complex integration projects are typical “features” of many so called cloud solutions. Not exactly very modern sounding.
Daily business sets many criteria’s for the real cloud solutions. These solutions must have new and innovative approach on how to actually execute easy to use user interface, provide scalable capacity and actual global access. These three features are the keys to usable HCM solution that actually supports your business. The next generation HCM solution does so much more than just reporting. It actually brings company’s strategy part of everyday work.
Traditionally the old cloud solutions need large updating projects and time to run these updates. Or even some on premise software that can’t be updated without a team of people outside your organization. A real cloud solution is always up to date because every customer is using the same version of the solution. This is the way to make sure every user has the best version on their use. Integrations have also been made easy through ready to use interface. This means no more long deployment processes that consume time month after month.
So why wouldn’t you choose the real cloud solution?